Festival Season Over 40: Tips for Thriving, Not Just Surviving

Justflex.co.uk Staff

Festival Season: Still Fun Over 40?

Festival season is upon us! The air is thick with anticipation, the music is calling, and the prospect of days filled with dancing, good food, and good company has us all buzzing. But for those of us over 40, the idea of navigating a festival crowd might feel a little less exhilarating and a little more daunting.

Fear not, fellow festival enthusiasts! While our bodies might not bounce back as quickly as they used to, and our tolerance for noise may have dwindled, festival season can still be a blast. With a little planning and a whole lot of embracing our seasoned selves, we can not only survive, but thrive, at any festival.

Tips for Festival Fun Over 40

Here's how to make the most of festival season, even if you're not a spring chicken anymore:

1. Choose Your Festivals Wisely

  • Consider the crowd and vibe: Opt for festivals with a more mature audience and a focus on genres you genuinely enjoy. Avoid those known for their wild crowds and heavy bass.
  • Look at the lineup: Ensure there are multiple acts you're excited about to keep you entertained throughout the day.
  • Think about accessibility: Check if the festival site is accessible for those with mobility issues. Look for seating areas, shade, and facilities that cater to your needs.

2. Prepare for Comfort

Festivals are all about letting loose, but that doesn't mean sacrificing your comfort. Here's how to stay comfortable throughout the day:

  • Wear comfortable shoes: Ditch the stilettos and choose supportive, broken-in footwear. Your feet will thank you.
  • Pack light but smart: Bring essentials like sunscreen, a hat, a portable charger, hand sanitizer, and a small first-aid kit. Don't forget your medication if needed.
  • Stay hydrated: Carry a refillable water bottle and drink plenty of fluids, especially if you're dancing or in the sun. Avoid sugary drinks and excessive alcohol.

3. Pace Yourself

Festivals are marathon, not sprints. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement and over-exert yourself. Remember:

  • Take breaks: Seek out shaded areas or designated chill zones to rest and recharge.
  • Don't be afraid to sit down: There's no shame in catching a set from a comfortable seat. Your body will appreciate it.
  • Listen to your body: If you start to feel overwhelmed or exhausted, don't push yourself. Take a break or head home.

4. Embrace Your Inner Festival Veteran

Your life experience is your greatest asset at a festival. Use it to your advantage:

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help: Need directions? Looking for a bathroom? Don't hesitate to ask a fellow festival-goer or staff member.
  • Share your knowledge: Help out those younger or less experienced. Offer advice on where to find the best food, the quietest spots, or the most comfortable seating.
  • Find your tribe: Seek out other adults who share your interest in music and appreciate a more relaxed pace. It's a great way to make new friends and connect with others.

5. Enjoy the Moments

Festivals are about more than just the music. Embrace the entire experience and let go of any expectations. Enjoy the food, the atmosphere, the conversations, and the memories you'll create.

Festival Season: A Time for Celebration

Festival season is a time to celebrate life, music, and community. While our bodies may have changed over the years, our spirit for fun and adventure remains strong. By embracing our age and preparing for the journey, we can ensure that festival season over 40 is a time of joy, connection, and unforgettable experiences.

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